What is the ETA of my backordered item(s)?
You will receive an estimate based on when the manufacturer can deliver the item to our warehouse. This is the best way for an ETA and subject to change. We are available to answer questions about the of your backordered item.
Why does my backorder date keep changing?
We do our best, in conjunction with our suppliers, to meet or exceed every estimate we provide. Unfortunately, sometimes we can’t ship your item in the timely manner that we hoped. If this happens, we'll email you to let you know when a new ETA, if it is available. If you'd like to keep the order, then no action is required - we'll continue working hard to source your item and ship it out too. If you decide you'd no longer wait, you can cancel your order for the item at any time.
Unfortunately, many out-of-stock orders might experience extended delays. This does not apply to in-stock orders, which will be processed as usual. We are working tirelessly to secure as much inventory as possible. We do not charge credit cards until orders are ready to ship.